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Dry Eye Clinic

Dry eye is a chronic condition that affects about 344 Million people around the world and is one the most frequent causes of the patients visit to the eye care practitioners. Dry eye condition is common in all age groups ranging due to various factors such as medications, age, poor blink rate, corneal disorders, blepharitis , systemic conditions, environmental factors and moderate to heavy screen use, contact lens use.

Dry Eye Clinic

The symptoms include stinging or burning, blurry vision, itchy, red eyes, scratchy, gritty eyes, excessive tearing, inflammation, eye fatigue, foreign body sensation, sensitivity to light, difficulty wearing contact lenses and difficulty night time driving. Due to the complexity of the diseases, we tailor the dry eye treatment for all our patients depending upon thier type of dry eye condition. When left untreated can lead to extreme outcomes like scarring of the meibomian (oil) glands, cornea, and or the surrounding tissue. Its important to have your eye health assessed as soon as you experience the above symptoms to prevent the condition from worsening.